Soyabean Casein Digest Agar is a widely used medium, which supports the growth of large number of organisms even that of fastidious nature such as Neisseria, Listeria, and Brucella etc. The medium with addition of blood provides perfectly defined zone of haemolysis, while preventing the lysis of erythrocytes due to sodium chloride content. It has been frequently used in the health industry to produce antigens, toxins etc. Its simple and inhibitor-free composition makes this media suitable for the detection of antimicrobial agents in the food and other products. Tryptone Soya Agar is also recommended by various pharmacopoeias as sterility testing medium (1, 2).
Tryptone Soya Agar meets the requirement of USP (1) and is used in microbial limit test and antimicrobial preservative – effective test. Gunn et al (3) used this medium for the growth of fastidious organisms and study of haemolytic reaction after addition of 5% v/v blood. The combination of Pancreatic digest of casein and papaic digest of soyabean meal makes this media nutritious by providing amino acids and long chain peptides for the growth of microorganisms. Sodium chloride maintains the osmotic balance.



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